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Districts and open-enrollment charter schools in Texas may apply to receive money under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. School systems should use these new funds to respond to the pandemic and to address student learning loss resulting from COVID-19. This is a public notification that Golden Rule Charter School will apply for the 2020-2023 ARP ESSER III Federal Program funds.
The intent and purpose of ARP of 2021, ESSER III funding is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students.
ESSER III funds may be used in five ways to address COVID learning loss:
Support for Teachers - teacher training, Reading Academies, tutors, reduced class sizes, small group instruction, mental health and behavioral support
Rigorous Instructional Materials - technology and instructional materials to address COVID learning loss
More Time - extended instructional time (before/after school, Saturday, summer)
Empower Parents - mental health and behavioral support; social workers, at-risk coordinator, counseling services, wrap-around and community partnerships
Other Supports - Facilities: water filtration, ventilation, HVAC systems, cleaning, technology devices, digital tools, learning management systems
The charter will engage in meaningful consultation with all stakeholders providing an opportunity for input in the development /revisions of its plan for the uses of ARP ESSER III funds through local surveys.
As a result, Golden Rule Charter Schools has developed a comprehensive plan to address the impact of the COVID pandemic and disruptions leading to learning loss. The "Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan" along with a description of activities and services to address learning loss among students are provided.
The plan will be reviewed and, as appropriate, revised every six months until the grant period expires. Please see the "Tentative Calendar Review for Stakeholders Input."
The following information is available for review and can be found in the column on the right:
- Safe Return to In-Person Plan and Continuity of Services Plan
- PS3013 Program Plans
- PS3014 Program Narratives
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Ernie Amaton, Deputy Superintendent at [email protected] or 469-248-4463.
Tentative ESSER Review Calendar
2021-2022 School Year
- May-June 2021: Survey for input gathered for ESSER requirements
- August 2021: Posted for public comment to Golden Rule Charter School website
- August 2021: Adopted plan posted to Golden Rule Charter School website
- December 2021: Golden Rule Charter School Board of Directors meeting, public comment received and reviewed, and survey revisions adopted
- December-January 2022: Survey for input posted to Golden Rule Charter School website
- February 2022: Survey results posted, Golden Rule Charter School Board of Directors meeting, public comment
2022-2023 School Year
- May-June 2022: Survey for input will be gathered for ESSER requirements
- August 2022: Public comment to Golden Rule Charter School website
- August 2022: Adopted plan will be posted to Golden Rule Charter School website
- December 2022: Golden Rule Charter School Board of Directors meeting, public comment will be received and reviewed, and survey revisions adopted
- December-January 2023: Survey for input will be posted to Golden Rule Charter School website
- February 2023: Survey results will be posted, Golden Rule Charter School Board of Directors meeting, public comment
2023-2024 School Year
- May-June 2023: Survey for input will be gathered for ESSER requirements
- August 2023: Public comment to Golden Rule Charter School website
- August 2023: Adopted plan will be posted to Golden Rule Charter School website
- December 2023: Golden Rule Charter School Board of Directors meeting, public comment will be received and reviewed, and survey revisions adopted
- December-January 2024: Survey for input will be posted to Golden Rule Charter School website
- February 2024: Survey results will be posted, Golden Rule Charter School Board of Directors